Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuilding, erection of 30 apartments, new access and alterations to adjacent parking area, provision of a footpath link, replacement tree planting and landscaping and associated worksCeltic Developments (Penarth) Ltd. Refused 06/01/2017 00:00:00
DECISION TO REFUSE The proposed development is considered to be contrary to the aims of Policies HOUS2 - Additional Residential development, HOUS8 – Residential Development Criteria and ENV27 - Design of New Developments, of the Vale of Glamorgan Adopted Unitary Development Plan 1996-2011, and the advice contained within Planning Policy Wales and Technical Advice Note 12 (Design) for the following reason: It is considered that the proposed buildings are of an excessive size, massing and form and fail to have regard to the context of the site, would appear as over scaled and incongruous within the streetscene and within its coastal headland context, and would fail to either preserve or enhance the character of the nearby Conservation Area or Listed Buildings. The development would therefore be contrary to the Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
Refused Press coverage here
But its back - VoG Sept planning meeting. Why? disgrace this is to be discussed again. There has been no significant changes ......ignoring the wishes of Penarth Town Council
2017/00541/FUL | Northcliffe Lodge, Northcliffe Drive, Penarth Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuilding, erection of 30 apartments, new access and alterations to adjacent parking area, replacement tree planting and landscaping and associated works (resubmission application) |
Controversial architect Chris Loyn Northcliffe development for 30 flats/apartments in his own words. "Organised from a pragmatic response to the challenging site topography and an unequivocal ambition from the outset for all principal living spaces to have an extensive view out over Cardiff Bay, the three distinct linear apartment blocks step down the cliffside, allowing vistas over the lower rooftops and framing landscaped streets or mews spaces in between." Just above the listed custom house. Marine Building (Grade II) and Custom House (Grade II) 3 ugly blocks of flats will replace the wooded scene behind these buildings. The gateway to Penarth altered forever.
In spite of this being refused the 'conservation' officer says
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The 'conservation' officer considers 3 blocks of these monstrosities will not alter the setting or view above the listed Custom House |
The immediate setting of these listed buildings is the former tidal estuary that led to the Penarth and Cardiff Docks. Since the construction of the Cardiff Bay Barrage this immediate setting has been altered drastically, however, the quintessential maritime character of the area remains. Behind the buildings the cliff face forms the back drop to the buildings with development above. In longer range views across Cardiff Bay the scale of the cliffs is such that this aspect of the setting of the listed building is considered negligible -??!! Seems he is ignoring Planning policy Wales Technical Advice Note 24: The Historic Environment May 2017.
Where is the justiofication for the density/no of units
Why NO winter and summer studies to assess the wooded backdrop to the Custom House
Thankfully Penarth Town council oppose this yet again. There will be NO affordable housing provided although there should be 40%.
Why?? The officers’ £300k is based on a secret “viability report” – they normally accept the developers’ viability report without independent scrutiny. It doubtless includes notional construction costs and contingency for the difficult cliff-side site, which are essentially unknown but have been maximised. The officers do not propose a claw-back arrangement in case the secret assumptions turn out to give the developers huge profits.
What the Council should do is say the development scheme is wholly “unviable”, being unable to provide the necessary S106 funds and failing include the 40% social housing needed for developments in Penarth (under the newly adopted LDP). Good rounds for rejection, on top of ecology, landscape, heritage, land instability and all the other reasons.