Penarth Town Council Planning Committee will be discussing this application on Wednesday evening, following the Town Council meeting at West House 27th July at 7.00pm.. You are able to attend the meeting. However if you wish to speak, you need to contact the Town Council offices on 02920 700721 as soon as possible, so that you can be "booked in" to speak that evening. You are given 3 minutes. You can object online here
There is an
application to fell NINE Penarth Trees with TPOs. This
is part of a scheme to fell 19 trees and reduce the crowns on
many others which will radically change this historic parkland landscape up to
the cliff-edge of Penarth Headland although it’s a habitat for owls and perhaps
other protected species, the relevant species assessment has not
been done.
1. Require the applicants to
supply proper information, sufficient to identify the individual trees, and
allow independent persons to inspect the TPO trees and enable
judgement in context of their amenity value and listing critieria. The
original TPO documents should be provided.
2. Consider
making TPOs to cover all or most of the 40 trees that are intended for felling
and lack protection at present. The scale of the felling of mature trees means
probably significant impacts on both landscape and biodiversity. Both
should be assessed.
3. Habitats
Regs assessment is also needed for protected species, given that owls are known
to forage and inhabit this area. These would inform and support the
decision on further TPOs.
5. If any
TPO trees are in the end to be felled, the Council must consider issuing treereplacement notices for each tree lost.

7. One could suspect that this tree clearance is in advance of any planning application for building on MG 2(25) Headlands School, St. Augustine’s Road to avoid the more difficult checks and balances as in POLICY MD 3 - DESIGN OF NEW DEVELOPMENT like environmental impact assessments etc
Adjacent to the Headlands site. This other planning application 2015/01449/FUL/ has recently been re-submitted by the developers and the application still proposes the felling of 38 mature (and for the most part, healthy) trees. This I believe is an important consideration in relation to the proposal to fell trees on the Headlands site because if both proposals went ahead - 57 mature trees would be felled within a very small area . I am arguing that this % loss of habitat would be significant and could have a devastating effect on wildlife and birds.
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